Please choose from the shrubs below – our selection is proven to survive the native Las Vegas soil & climate.
Dwarf Oleander (on the HOA list)
Germander Border Plant
Creeping Rosemary
Cassia Desert Shrub
Deer Grass
Lilly Turf (must have shade)
Honeysuckle Vine
Texas Privet
Regal Mist
Dwarf Oleander (pink)
Jasmine Espellier
Indian Hawthorn
Glossy Abelia
Red Geraniums
Society Garlic
Jasmine (large)
Asparagus Fern
Red Fountain Grass
Verigated Moc Orange Shrub
Asparagus Fern
Gulfstream Nandina
Buffalo Juniper
Golden Bamboo
Rosemary Upright
Red Lantana
Lily of the Nile
Dwarf Pampas Grass
Jasmine Shrub
Jasmine Shrub
Honeysuckle Bush
Yellow Iris
White Iris
Boganvilla Vines