Your #1 Las Vegas Landscaping Company

If you are a Las Vegas native or are new to the valley, chances are you aware just how hot it can get here in our desert climate city at various times of the year. The heat brings many challenges for our plants to endure in the spring and summer months. One of the top mistakes that people make with their yards is not taking the seasons into consideration. Don’t be solely at the mercy of Mother Nature when it comes to your yard this season. Be sure to set your yard up for success ahead of time by being mindful of some important factors this winter, before the heat strikes our valley.


The first thing to be aware of is that your yard, regardless of your type of landscape, has 4 different seasons for landscape maintenance. Earlier this month we highlighted the importance of Winter Pruning what we are specifically highlighting now are additional important factors for landscaping to help you be the most prepared for the upcoming seasons.

What to plant this season

The winter can be an excellent time to plant deciduous trees and shrubs, roses in particular are something that you can plant in your yard in the winter Vegas months. These types of plants are known as bare root plants. Planting bare root plants at this time of the year before the ground is fully frozen gives the plants a chance to grow new roots prior to having to deal with the hot sun and drying winds that the summer months bring into the valley.

Winter Landscaping Tips

As a general rule for the winter months less is more for your yard and outdoor plants. Be sure to winterize your lawn equipment and adjust your timer on irrigation systems specifically for winter to water only one day a week, unless your professionals at Cacti Landscape tell you otherwise for specific plants.

Although it may appear that your lawn and certain plants stop growing in the early winter, they are actually growing deeper roots in the beginning of the season. Now is a great time to fertilize and reseed your lawn to reassure it is healthy and rich prior to the hot summer months.

The Las Vegas forecast for the last few weeks of that year are particularly cold. Check your pipes and sprinklers to make sure they all protected. A frozen pipe can cause future irrigation problems. If you’re unsure of what to look for speak to your professionals at Cacti Landscape so that we can evaluate your watering systems for you to make sure you are safe for the remaining winter months.

Keeping Everything Together

Now that all four solutions for a backyard water feature have been discussed, the only necessary factor left is setting around the chosen water feature. Plants look extremely well next to pools, waterfalls, ponds, and even fountains. Plants make a yard with a water feature look more tropical and make the water feature stand out the best.

Not only do plants highlight the beauty of your yard, but trees such as simple palm trees also add a sense of being tropical to your yard. Plants need irrigation repair and there are so many landscaping and maintenance companies willing to help you.

Furthermore, irrigation repair is a part of most landscaping companies in the valley and they are experienced so there is no worry when they are taking care of your plants in your yard.

In conclusion, waterfalls, pools, ponds, and fountains are the top 4 backyard outdoor water features that will enhance the overall beauty of your yard. Contact us if you want to learn more about backyard water features.

About the Author

I am currently 16 years old. I was placed into an education that took on reading and writing from a young age and focused on it for all these years. Writing has always seemed exciting and exhilarating for me. No matter the difficulty that I have faced, I always wanted to learn how to write better and make more progress in this field. My father is the owner of Cacti Landscapes and I have started to complete some work for him. Primarily, I started off by writing for my dad’s reviews and learned through this process. As time went on, I started to write more and more for my father’s company. I recently wrote the blog of “How to Make a Zen Garden” and am going to continue to produce blogs and work for my father’s enterprise. Because of my father’s intuition, I started college at the age of 15. I am in Bishop Gorman High School, Community College and working for my father. But for fun, my favorite hobby is golf and I will always enjoy the phenomenal sport.

Picture of Nathan Utter
Nathan Utter
